With over 100 combined years of floral design experience, Creative Designs guarantees our customers complete satisfaction with every order. We invite you to explore our site and discover the creative floral products we design for local delivery. We also offer delivery throughout the United States and World Wide through our networking of Teleflora® florist.
Call us today and let one of our professionally trained floral designers create an arrangement to fit your taste and budget from the #1 Teleflora vendor.
Creative Designs is an online florist providing fresh flowers to your loved ones with next day service. If you buy flowers online using our flower reservation system we will have fresh flowers and gifts delivered within 24 hours from Floral home decor & proFlowers.Bid on fresh flowers and name your price with a florist auction. We also have roses and holiday bouquets available from 1-800 flowers. Get exclusive flowers for your home from the Martha Stewart flower collection brought to you by Creative Designs floral. More flower arrangements are available online at flower.com
One Dozen White Roses Price: 59.99 A hand tied bouquet of 12 magnificent white roses signifying love, peace and tranquility.
One Dozen Yellow Roses Price: 59.99 A dozen yellow roses to signify enduring friendship, sunshine, and happiness!
One Dozen Pink Roses Price: 59.99 Pink roses for joy, grace, and poetic romance. Indulge someone with these spectacular pink roses well wrapped and tied . Also perfect to express gratitude.
Deluxe Seasonal Bouquet Price: 59.99 Bursting with fresh assorted seasonal flowers, this bouquet brings warmth and sunshine into any room. It's wrapped and tied with a bright ribbon at our Flower Store
Two Dozen Red Roses Price: 99.99 The classic symbol of love for over 400 years, these carefully selected long-stemmed red roses are wrapped well and tied with a red ribbon. (You may specify your choice of color of roses in the special instructions)